Cash for College Workshop

Cash for College Workshop 08/09/2022
Get ready for college by learning about filling out the #FAFSA and applying for scholarships and grants. If you or someone you know is planning on attending college, signup for the free Cash for College Workshop focused on American Indian and Alaska Native students on August 9, 2022, 5:30pm – 7 pm.
ONE LUCKY STUDENT IN ATTENDANCE will win a $1,000 scholarship** courtesy of CSAC!
**To enter the $1,000 scholarship drawing, students must attend a Cash for College workshop, fill out the post workshop survey, and must be #CalGrant eligible. Funds will be disbursed by a private donor and winners will be contacted in September 2022.
Are you attending a community college this fall? Did you know that you could qualify for financial aid?
Grants, Scholarships, Federal Work Study — do not have to be paid back!
Apply via the #FAFSA or #CADreamAct Application (CADAA) by September 2nd to see if you can qualify for a Federal Grant, Cal Grant, or CA College Promise Grant to pay for school.
Get Started Today at 👉🏾