Mental and Emotional Health of Black Women

I had the pleasure of tuning in to ‘The Black Woman is God’ Discussion and Exhibition.  I would like to applaud the organizers for creating this space where black women can celebrate and bask in their unique biology, chemistry and essence.  To do so without denying, disregarding, or emasculating the black man is remarkable, fair and kind. I too appreciate the black man and also believe we should be able to celebrate who we are without having to apologize for it.

Black women are the most magical beings known to mankind. I have never seen anyone more resilient, merciful, so loving, so pliable, so omnipotent, so forgiving, so compromising, so rooted, so healing, so dope and did I say resilient. She is all the elements. This is not to judge, put down or even compare to any other being. I think it’s ironic that we are the most unprotected and disrespected by others and by US.  I know this last statement is a gross generalization and limited to my perspective which is limited.  Sisterhood is Essential for a plethora of reasons. Our future depends on the mental and emotional health of the black woman. We can’t afford to see each other any less. Anyway Fam, I’m just exhaling. Peace and Wholeness!

~Dana Maeshia
Founder, Escape Velocity Resources Foundation, Inc.