Shop Black Friday Sac Images

Spending Power in the Black Community

Shop Black Friday Sac 2018

Dana Maeshia of Escape Velocity Resources Foundation, Inc. speaks about spending of the black community during November thru January. We are one of the biggest consumers which make up about 1.3 trillion dollars in spending power. 

Shop Black Friday Sacramento was established by the Black Friday Coalition to boost the spending power in the local black community and give small businesses and nonprofits the opportunity to benefit from one of the busiest shopping days of the season.

It also gives businesses the opportunity to have one-on-one interaction with their customers.  Over 60 local businesses participated in Shop Black Friday Sacramento this year. 

This is not so much about the day; it is about the movement to shop local and to sustain our communities and ensure they are thriving through business. There is a lot of opposition to black economic growth including gentrification and online shopping. There is nothing wrong with online shopping, we are just challenging each other to spend with a purpose, and it really means something when we choose to shop local as a consumer.  Also, as a producer we need to ensure that the products and services that we are seeking are made available. This is one of the many building blocks to Community Development. 

Shop Black Friday Sac will be even more successfully next year!! Make sure to like the Facebook page because there is more to come.  Leave comments and share your experience and pictures as well. 

Look out for upcoming events, and remember the African Market Place is this Saturday, Dec 1, 2018.