Student-Only Mental Health and Wellness Listening Session

Dear Sacramento County Students,

Your voice is needed! You are invited to participate in a youth-only listening session to help with a new plan for student mental health and wellness in the county. For those who participate, a raffle will be held to randomly distribute one $50 gift card and two $25 gift cards. This listening session will be co-led by members of the Sacramento County Behavioral Health Youth Advisory Board (YAB) and the Glen Price Group (GPG). GPG will compile themes discussed during the listening session and will not attribute comments to individual participants. If you choose to participate in the listening session please register using this link or the QR code in the image below:

Student Mental Health & Wellness qr code

An exciting part of this meeting will be the presentation of our county’s youth-voice art project (See here for a more detailed description)! 

Art projects (encouraged, but not required to attend the listening session) allow students to creatively express their vision (hopes and wishes) of student mental health and wellness to policy makers and community leaders. After completing your project, you can submit here (also linked in the detailed directions above).  If you have any questions about the youth-voice art project, please feel free to contact 


In addition, by joining this meeting, you will be one of the first groups to see what’s actually in the plan and have an opportunity to directly influence it.

What: Sacramento Student Mental Health and Wellness Youth-Only Listening Session

When: Thursday, May 5th from 6:00-7:30 pm

Where: Zoom  (  / Meeting ID: 840 5567 5931 / +1 669 900 9128)

Who: This event is managed by the Glen Price Group and sponsored by the Sacramento County Office of Education and Sacramento County Department of Health Services, Behavioral Health Services

Questions:  If you have any questions feel free to contact

We need you to help spread the word about this event. Please invite other youth in Sacramento County. Your voice is needed for the success of this plan! Thank you for your dedication to the future of Sacramento County students!