WEAVE 916-920-2952

When Everyone Acts Violence Ends #DVAM

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Domestic Violence does not discriminate against age, gender, sexual orientation, or economic status. Our community partner, WEAVE, is dedicated to the belief that When Everyone Acts Violence Ends.

By promoting a culture of respect and nonviolence with children and youth at an early age, it’s Escape Velocity’s mission to prevent future behavior.  We are more than just literacy advocates that seek to interrupt the school to prison pipeline. We tackle difficult topics like domestic violence, bullying, inappropriate touch, financial literacy, socio emotional and soft skills.

We are here for you. 💜

WEAVE 24/7 Support & Information Line: 916-920-2952.

Live Online Support Chat M-F 8:30am – 9pm: WEAVEinc.org